this made me laugh.


I just almost hugged the mailman when he dropped off a little box from SartoriaVico. Could it be? Yes, they sent me a Cappuccio! (lucky me, I know!) I sent them a thank you email and snapshot of me, being all happy, wearing the Cappuccio (above). And below you can see what the ladies of SartoriaVico (Cristina, Stefania, Monica and Benedetta) sent back within minutes. Filed under ‘made me smile’ and ‘thank you internet’!


13 Comments leave a comment below

  1. That’s great! I’m gonna get that for my wife. She’ll love that.

  2. That is fantastic haha!

  3. Fantastic! Love the love and the human connection from New York to Italy made possible by the web.

  4. Hi T.

    How often do people send you things for free? Also, would you still write a negative review of something that was given to complimentarily or as a gift?

    Nothing personal, I just have always wondered this about blogs. ;) Always good to understand the world around us…

  5. Allison,

    I appreciate your question: My address is nowhere on my site so if someone wants to send me their product, they have to approach me first. I have written about this particular product out of my own and wasn’t sent a sample/gift first. They were so kind to then ask for my address to send me one.

    I decline most of the time to have samples sent, as we simply do not have the room for it. (Hello small nyc apartments) But yes, I have accepted samples in the past, but NEVER agreed beforehand to write a post and necessarily positive post about it. If I do like the product though, I am happy to write a favorable review. Who wouldn’t? I probably wouldn’t write a negative review if I didn’t like the product. I would just not write anything at all.

    If I write about a product or service, it’s because it interests me and I like it. It’s important to me that ‘swissmiss’ is authentic and has a personal voice, my voice.


  6. i love this!!! you are TOO CUTE!

  7. That is so cute! I love the pictures they sent you back!

  8. Thank you my dahling. Anyone who knows me (as you and G do) knows I’m nearly 6′ of curiosity. Always wondering how this works or what that means. I like to understand.

    Also, there’s been a kerfuffle in Seattle lately b/c the weekly papers can’t seem to write one nice thing about the performing arts. The reviewers claim they are strengthening the arts and the public’s experience of such by keeping standards high with honest, if unyielding, reviews. And the dancers are all ‘Come on, why can’t you be nice?’

    Anyway, it gets me to thinking. Reviews, standards, expectations, influences.


  9. That is too cute. You look very psyched to put on your very own Capuccio.

  10. poop, i want one! i wrote about them, too – i guess people have to read my blog in order for me to get free stuff! ;) great photo!

  11. While I’m jealous of the free stuff — I totally am psyched by the connection you formed so seamlessly with these women in Italy. It is an amazing tribute to the fluidity and speed added to communication by the Internet. These photos are proof and charming proof at that! Thanks for sharing these photos and the story — I love it!

  12. And I love Ferraris!!!!!

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