During a wonderful guided tour of beautiful Basel, we came upon this little gem of a design store called Seven Sisters. While I do have to simply accept that every design store now seems to be carrying the same items (new york, paris, tokyo, all the same?) I must say I really liked the vibe of Seven Sisters. Small, Personal and Modern. Make sure to stop by if you happen to be in Basel or check out their site!
This shop is definitely awesome and worth a stop-by while walking on Spalenberg! I always enjoyed being there during my internship year in beautiful Basel :-)
Jun 15th, 2009 / 4:21 am
I totally agree, everyone’s selling the same stuff and I think London is the worst culprit. Japan has so many independent design shops though and I love the work of IDEA International and their sub-brands Macinari, Yu’ento and Düller range. I met with them in Tokyo and they are doing something extremely exciting with old school Rams Braun project. I can keep you posted but its embargoed for now!
Jul 18th, 2009 / 8:41 am