“Even more importantly, desks enable collaboration. To be at your desk is to be present, in the world, at a place in time – to be available for an impromptu brainstorm, feedback session, or gut check. That face-to-face cooperation brings a human touch to our work that can’t be replaced by all the Slack messages, Zoom calls, or Google Docs in the world. It’s why (at least during normal times) so many freelance professionals choose to pay for a desk in a coworking space. With others around it, a desk becomes more than a desk; it becomes a community. Desks are how we interface. The things placed, whether carefully or incidentally, on their surface – the books, tools, decorations, pictures, half-eaten salads, and unopened mail – serve as ambient communication to co-workers about our lives.”
I Miss My Desk (and So Should You), by Brandon Lori
Wow this is right out of the corporate, pre-COVID handbook for why remote work is not allowed. . .available for an impromptu brainstorm etc etc etc. Great for this writer, that they miss their desk. I’ll pass on the subjective hot take that the rest of should miss ours as well.
Sep 11th, 2020 / 11:14 am