Leaving and Waving

For 27 years, Deanna Dikeman took photographs as she waved good-bye and drove away from visiting her parents at their home in Sioux City, Iowa. She started in 1991 with a quick snapshot, and continued taking photographs with each departure. She never set out to make this series. She just took these photographs as a way to deal with the sadness of leaving. It gradually turned into their good-bye ritual. And it seemed natural to keep the camera busy, because she had been taking pictures every day while she was there. These photographs are part of a larger body of work she calls Relative Moments, which has chronicled the lives of her parents and other relatives since 1986. When she discovered the series of accumulated “leaving and waving” photographs, she found a story about family, aging, and the sorrow of saying good-bye.

I love this so much.

(via Coralie)

1 Comment leave a comment below

  1. Made me cry in the healty way…So, so beatiful. Hi from Madrid, Spain!