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DIY Screen Printing Kit
Love this DIY Screen Printing Kit. What a fun gift!
DIY Smartphone Stand From and Egg Box
Paul Priestman teaches us how to make a DIY smartphone stand from an egg box for video calls.
DIY Growing Kit
How lovely is this handmade ceramic avocado growing starter? (I asked the internet which small shops/makers I should support. This was one of the suggestions. I agree.)
Paper Folding DIY Kit
A paper folding DIY kit filled with 8 auxetic folding patterns, designed by the talented Kelli Anderson.
DIY Optical Illusion
This is going to be a fun thing to try with my kids: How to Draw a 3D Optical Illusion of Your Hand!
Wooden DIY Tattly Hangers
I just squealed seeing these beautiful DIY Wooden Tattly Hangers. Thank you Poppytalk for this fun feature! Here are some more DIY Tattly posts, in case you’re interested.
DIY Salt Crystal Snowflakes
(via The Kid Should See This)
DIY Mini Rosemary Wreath Garlands
These Mini Rosemary Wreath Garlands are delightful. And most likely will make your home smell lovely. I figure you can probably substitute the mini embroidery hoops with a wire… (via Red Tricycle)
DIY Tattly Mug
If you want to make your own mugs, here’s a link to the Rifle Tattly Designs and a link to dishwasher safe gloss. Happy crafting!
DIY Rainbow Balloon Hat
This DIY rainbow balloon hat made me smile.