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Noah keeps coming up with fabulous projects. His latest: brand tags. The basic idea of this site is that a brand exists entirely in people's heads. Therefore, whatever it is they say a brand is, is what it is. So,...
lies raul told his 3 year old recently
Trees talk to each other at night. All fish are named either Lorna or Jack. Before your eyeballs fall out from watching too much TV, they get very loose. Tiny bears live in drain pipes. If you are very very...
Coriette Schoenaerts | Photographer
After discovering that kissing got introduced to the Japanese by Dutch tradesmen of the East Indies Companies, the subject for a Japan-series was evident. The graphic shape of the mouth runs through the series and by turning the pages of...
typography umbrella
Splashed with more than 80 typefaces from Veer’s Umbrella type collection, the Pitter Patter umbrella shields you from cloudbursts with a burst of typography. Set in blue type on eight panels of black fabric, with a wooden handle and automatic...
swissmiss’ 10 favorite baby products (0-1...
Our little Ella turned one a few weeks ago and I want to take a moment to point out the most practical, most useful products that got us through the first year: Peapod Travel Bed. Dont' know what we would...
Floating bed anyone?
Want to feel like you're sleeping on a cloud? Get a Fluttua Bed. (Very odd model that company chose... no?)
"Inspiration is highly overrated. If you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not work is salvation." - Chuck Close
shower or rain?
It is pouring here in Manhattan and my coworker Robert just mentioned that in today's weather forecast it says 'Rain' but in the coming days it predicts 'Showers'. We were wondering about the difference?Here's the answer: What then is the...