PVC Light box / light tent


Here’s how to make a cheap and easy PVC based light box with interchangeable backdrops.

(via make)

snapple real fact #131

“Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts seawater to fresh water.”

I love useless knowledge.
Thank you Snapple. I feel refreshed on every level.

fireworks tutorial


Making photos look like printed photos: Fireworks tutorial for that “now then” look

(via chris glass)


I am a big believer in Flash Cards when it comes to learning. So, I am thrilled about this app called iFlash. It is a virtual flash-card program built for Mac OS X (sorry PC users!) . If you want to learn almost anything, from a foreign language to the ten-codes police officers use, iFlash is for you!

(via ready made)

spork | Emily Cohen

I was at another fabulous Spork Event last night and got a lot of insights in regards of proposal writing and project management from Emily Cohen, a consultant to creative professionals here in NYC. Anyone running a design studio and struggling with the proposal process should know about Emily. I have friends who’ve hired her in the past and rave about her knowledge and insights. Here’s an interesting article by Emily: “How to get your clients to pay up

There are more on her site (see left nav) but I can’t seem to link to it directly.

google marketing

Google’s 7 Marketing Principles

– Results must be trackable.
– Promote trial.
– Let others speak for you.
– Data. Not Hype.
– You’re smart. And your time matters.
– We’re serious. Except while we’re not.
– Big ideas move us.

Google’s 7 Marketing Principles (The unofficial Google weblog)

(via fosfor.se)

typepad | how to add a favicon

Adding a Personalized Icon to your Weblog

(via ginevra)

web 2.0 workgroup

Logo_4The Web 2.0 Workgroup is a network of premium weblogs that write content about the new generation of the Web. Combined, these sites reach a large readership of influential technology and media professionals.

Web 2.0 WorkGroup

the business of graphic design

The Business of Graphic Design: A synopsis of essential tips and tricks that every design studio owner should know.

(via how design)


A tutorial that goes step by step through the process of implementing a real-world web design into a working template using CSS for layout: CSS Layout Tutorial for beginners

Also, another basic tutorial: CSS Basics.com

This CSS layout generator made me look: Handy CSS layout generator for web developers

(via digg)

yahoo! design pattern lbrary


Yahoo! Design Pattern Library

(via chris glass)

rock paper scissors


Rock Paper Scissors: How to play

Meet the World Champion Andrew Bergel.

Wikipedia entry on Rock Paper Scissors

how to fold a fitted sheet perfectly.

How to fold a fitted sheet perfectly.

(via kottke)

history of the alphabet


The animated history of the alphabet.

(via coudal / via things)

tutorial | flash site

The Complete Tutorial on How to Build a 100% Flash Site

(via chris glass)

in case you wondered…


Did you ever wonder how disposable diapers are made? Here, read up.


The Ten Commandments of Freelancing


Interesting thoughts on critiquing: Under The Loupe #3: Critiquing, by Jason Santa Maria, Graphic Designer living in sunny Philadelphia, PA.

(via stylegala, again)

how to introduce people

How to Introduce People

4. Introduce the younger or less prominent person to the older or more prominent person, regardless of the sex of the individuals. (However, if a considerable age difference lies between the two, it is far more courteous to make introductions in deference to age, regardless of social rank.) For example: ‘Arthur Prefect, I’d like you to meet Dr. Gertrude Smith.’

a basic guide to printing

A Basic Guide to Printing & Having a Successful Press Check
by Derald Schultz on Creative Latitude

screenshots for print

Capturing and Optimizing Screenshots for Print

try group | animated learning

TrygroupWonderfully playful site by Playgroup: Willing-to-try.com. An animated journey that represents the philosophy of the Try Group, an organization that is seeking new methods of learning within a school system that stresses academics over individualism.

facial expression learning tool

FacialexpressionThis just got a big “WOW” out of me: ARTNATOMY: Anatomical basis of facial expression learning tool.

how to make meetings useful

Though meetings are harmful, you sometimes need to get together and work a problem out. Here are some tips to make sure nobody wastes their time.

1. Begin with a specific problem. Meetings are wild horses that always try to run off course. Yoke the meeting to a specific problem. “Improve the flow on the New Entry page” is better than “Talk about New Entry page.”

2. Meet on site. Meet at the site of the problem instead of the conference room. Get in front of the code, in front of the UI, and talk about it together. Point to real things and suggest real changes.

3. End with a solution and responsible parties. Your next action will be concrete if the problem is solved. You’re ready to go when you know what will be done and by whom. If you can’t find a concrete solution, end the meeting and come back when you understand the problem better.

4. Celebrate, shut up, and do something. Celebrate the solution. It’s good when heads come together and solve a problem. It’s great when they get back to work and build the damn thing.

Say “Done!” then do it!

Found at Signal vs Noise.