photoshop curves | tutorial

Tut_curves_overview_1The Photoshop curves tool is perhaps the most powerful and flexible image transformation, yet it may also be one of the most intimidating. Since photographers effectively paint with light, curves is central to their practice because it affects light’s two primary influences: tones and contrast. Tonal curves are also what give different film types their unique character, so understanding how they work allows one to mimic any film– without ever having to retake the photograph.

Using Photoshop Curves.

(via pixelgroovy)

the possibilities of RSS

25 New Ways To Use RSS


UXmatters | insights and inspiration for the user experience community.



buying a digital camera?

25 things you must know before buying digital camera

(via core77)

keep your childs BandAid on all day

This is a Japanese video on YouTube demonstrating how to put on a BandAid so that it stays on all day long.

(via minzoo)

make your own panographies


Learn how to make your own Panographies

(via chicago.apartmenttherapy)


Huge resource of drawing tips and lessons:

(via fosfor)

suckerfish dropdown menus

How To: Deploying Suckerfish Dropdown Menus

photo blocks


Photoblocks are simply sectioned photographs mounted onto linoleum blocks. The resulting object is puzzle-like and can be displayed on a table, wall or shipped in a box to a friend.

Check out the Tutorial from Photojojo

(via apartmenttherapy)

converting a photo to black and white

Converting a photo to black and white
LAB color conversion

(via chris glass)

packaging primer

Packaging Design Basics, by Poppy Evans.

how to knit | tutorial


Learn “How to knit“!

idesign – seven ways of design thinking


iDeSiGN-Seven Ways of Design Thinking – A teaching resource

(via kenncompton)

990000 photoshop tutorial #4


Red posted yet another simple photoshop tutorial, voila, #4!

how to….

How to Remove a Ring That’s Stuck on a Finger

990000 photoshop tutorial #3


Red posted another simple photoshop tutorial

the human brain

Mri_brain Get to know your brain – the food it likes, the challenges it craves, the rest it requires, the protection it deserves. The human brain.

handspinning dog hair | tutorial


How often have you wondered what could be done with all the excess fluff you’ve been combing out of your dog? Making dog hair into yarn is fun and easy… Turning your pet’s hair into something beautiful is surprisingly easy. First, you turn the hair into yarn through the age-old process of hand spinning. Hand spinning is fun, and you can learn to do it yourself. With some simple tools and a bit of practice, you can soon be wearing something you have made from your pet’s hair.

Spinning Hair Tutorial

(via make)

30 ajax tutorials

Max Kiesler :: Round-up of 30 AJAX Tutorials

(via bb)

layout gala


Alessandro Fulciniti offers free CSS layouts on his site. All layouts use valid markup and CSS, and have been tested successfully on Internet Explorer/win 5.0, 5.5, 6 and beta 2 preview of version 7; Opera 8.5, Firefox 1.5 and Safari 2.

Layout Gala

You can download his entire collection, 40 HTML pages in a single zip file.

(via superdeluxe)

in pursuit of tea

TeaFor U.S. consumers buying good tea is difficult, and great teas are still a rarity. Alexander Scott and Sebastian Beckwith established In pursuit of tea to explore remote areas and supply the finest teas available, some of which seldom leave the country in which they are grown. The art of growing tea has developed over centuries, and as with great wines it has been handed down through generations and varies according to region. Each year, we and our suppliers spend time in each of the finest tea-growing regions in order to understand that year’s tea characteristics and to bring you the best.

In pursuit of tea: Exploring remote regions to supply the finest teas.

Learn about tea.

One minute tea tip

(Thanks Harris!)

image formats

What is this guide for? To teach you how to use the correct image formats for the correct situation. I am personally fed up of seeing people use gif for photos, jpeg for Windows screencaps, and other totally inappropriate image format uses. So I made this guide in an attempt to explain how and when to use what formats. Yes, this does require a fair bit of reading and understanding, so if you aren’t going to be bothered close your browser now and save my bandwidth.

When and how to use internet image formats

photoshop color replacement | tutorial


Some tools don’t get enough attention, this tool might be one of them. You could compare it somehow with the Healing Brush, although there is a difference. This tool works like a regular paint brush, it manipulates the color on your image while the underlying texture stays unaffected. Because of this, you can apply a color change in a more precision way.

Photoshop Color Replacement Tool Tutorial, by veerle!

entrepreneurial proverbs

Momentum builds on itself — just start. Do whatever you can. Draw a user interface. Write a spec. Make something, anything, that people can see and touch and try. A prototype is worth ten thousand words. One you start moving, you will find that people start to carry you along.

Entrepreneurial Proverbs, by Marc Hedlund.

Very inspiring!

(via aspiramedia)