Happy 10th Birthday, TeuxDeux!

10 years ago today, my friends at FictiveKin and I launched TeuxDeux, a simple, minimal to-do app. If you like paper lists, you’ll like TeuxDeux.

Happy our birthday to you!

I keep my TeuxDeux as the browser landing page, which means, every time I open a browser window I am being reminded what I should be focusing on. Whatever you don’t check off today, will automatically roll over to the next day. You see the week at a glance and it’s delightfully simple. And in the ‘someday section’ below I keep lists like shopping, movies I want to watch, gift ideas for the kids, etc

Try it for free for 30 days! And if you do, do me a favor and enable the flying cat in the settings. You’ll see!

ps: We have an iOS app, but no Android yet. Someday!

YES! New & Improved TeuxDeux iPhone App


In 2010 I co-created a to-do app, called TeuxDeux, which instantly garnered a loyal following. Fun Fact: Fast Company called us the most beautiful to-do app within hours of launching!

TeuxDeux is based on the idea of creating a simple, almost paper-like, list-based to-do app. While it almost feels like a paper list, the to-dos you didn’t check off magically roll over to the next day.

I keep TeuxDeux as my landing page on my browser, which means every time I open a browser window at work I am being reminded what I should be doing. The web app is solid and is making us proud! And, now, we can say the same about the iPhone app!

Team TeuxDeux has been working on the new version of our iPhone app for the better part of this year. We designed, built, and tested it. Then we redesigned and updated it what seems like an infinity number of times.

If you’ve requested improvements to the existing app, odds are you’re going to be quite pleased with this update. We listened carefully and brought in most of your favorites, including:

– Markdown
– Recurring to-dos
– Voice-to-text
– Seamless autosync
– Calendar date picker
– Drag to-dos to tomorrow
– Custom colors
– Powerful to-do editing

And a few goodies you might not have thought of:

– Custom color picker
– Start your week on any day
– Flying cat
– Summary View
– Hide completed to-dos
– Thumb Nav

It’s important to us that TeuxDeux always stays simple and lovely. Not an easy balance to strike when adding new features, but we think you’ll instantly recognize the old TeuxDeux in the new, and you’ll love how much there is to discover.

Of course, the app is still free for our subscribers (sign up for a free 30-day trial). Upgrade on your phone or, if you’re new, find it in the App Store.

This app took a lot of time which we could not have afforded if not for you believers who have supported TeuxDeux over the years. Thanks for helping us get here. It wouldn’t mean anything without you.

Yay for staying organized and crossing things off!

(Big thank you to the team behind the rebuild and redesign: Josh, John, Cameron, Evan, Larry and Andreas!)

An All New TeuxDeux

Neux TeuxDeux

It’s a big day for people like me, that like keeping lists: We just launched a brand new version of TeuxDeux – the minimal calendar based to-do app that started in 2009 over a lunch conversation between Cameron and myself.

For the past 6 months, Team FictiveKin, Jonnie Hallman and myself worked hard to bring you a completely revamped, better TeuxDeux.

If you’re an existing user you will be happy to hear about our updates, as we integrated many of your requests! We made the site much, much faster and responsive. Try to resize that browser window over on teuxdeux.com and see what happens to the app in the top part of the screen.

If you need a little bit of extra formatting, you’ll be glad to know we support Markdown, so you can make important words bold and links clickable.

We’ve added recurring to-dos. If you’re worried about forgetting to water the plants, just write ‘every week’ after your to-do (i.e. water plants every week) and it shows up in your TeuxDeux.

The Someday section at the bottom now allows for custom lists. Need columns for specific projects? Need a column for groceries? You got it. Add as many as you need and drag and drop to where you want them to be.

Overall we tried to make TeuxDeux even easier to use and closer to piece of paper. Type in your to-dos right where you want them, move them around to suit your schedule, then click to mark them done.

We’ve also added the option of downloading your data. Your to-dos are important, and we want to take good care of them.

As I explained in an earlier blog post, with this new version, we are moving to a subscription model. We have seen too many startups close shop and shut down their product. We do not want to see any of this happen to TeuxDeux. We love the app too much and want to keep the lights on.

Anyone can try the updated TeuxDeux for 30 days at no cost. And if you have purchased the iphone App in the past, you will get 6 months for free and if you have been an existing TeuxDeux user before our relaunch this weekend, you will get 3 months for free.

Once your trial is over you have the option between $3 monthly or $2 if you pay for the year.

Relaunching an app (plus iphone app) from scratch is a tad bit tricky, so we are experiencing a few issues with iOS logins for those folks that have special characters in their password or usernames. If you have a huge amount of to-dos, you might experience minor errors. We are on it. Reach out to our support [email protected] and we will take care of you asap. Or reach us on twitter @teuxdeux.

Here’s a little video of Cameron demoing the new TeuxDeux:

And here are some of the nice things people have been saying about Neux TeuxDeux:

A Neux TeuxDeux (Coming Soon)

(video by Matthijs Vlot)

In December of 2009, my Studiomates Cameron, Evan, and I launched a simple, designy to-do app called TeuxDeux. We built the app for ourselves, because we couldn’t find a to-do app that was as simple as a piece of paper and calendar-based. Many of our friends started asking us for accounts, so we decided to let anyone use it. For free. What we thought would be just used by a few friends has turned into a loyal following of over 300,000 users. We didn’t see that one coming.

We eventually hired someone to make an iPhone app, which we decided to sell for a one-time cost of $2.99 to make up for some of our expenses.

Our Twitter account and our inbox have been getting passionate user feedback for the past 4 years. It seems like we managed to make something people really, really love. That’s great, but we came to realize that in order for us to put resources into maintaining and improving TeuxDeux, something had to change.

Success is more expensive than we can afford, but we want to keep TeuxDeux around. It has become an essential tool that we use every day. So, we have decided to start charging a subscription fee to use TeuxDeux. We realize that some of you might not be happy to hear that. And, we realize we might lose some users. We want to make sure our die-hard fans that rely on us every day will always be able to count on us to keep the lights on.

We have seen too many startups close shop or get acquired (and shut down their product). We do not want to see any of this happen to TeuxDeux. We love the app too much.

Over the past few months, we have invested in a new TeuxDeux, rebuilt from the ground up by our incredible Studiomate Jonnie Hallman. The decision to charge a small fee gave us the confidence to do this. If you’re a passionate user, you will be incredibly excited about what’s ahead. Sit tight for more details on the new app, but for now, please know, that our decision to move TeuxDeux to a paid model comes from the best of intentions.

We will be offering a free 3-month trial, so you can see if the new version is worth it. If you’re not convinced after 3 months, we’re gonna let you download all of your data, so you won’t lose anything by giving us a chance. Oh, and if you bought the iPhone app, we’re gonna give you a free 6-month trial as thanks.

TeuxDeux Part Deux

If you read my blog regularly, you probably know about the to do list application that I built with Fictive Kin called TeuxDeux.

It’s been one of the most rewarding projects that I’ve ever worked on and I happily use it every day. It feels great to use your own product and it feels even better to know that nearly 200k people have signed up and loved it as well.

That said, as a product, it doesn’t really make much money (largely due to the fact that web version is free and we only charge $2.99 for the iphone app) and so we’ve had a very difficult time getting it the attention it deserves. After talking with my team, we realize that we need help. We’d like to hire a developer to help us implement the great road map of features that have been staring us in the face for a while.

More details to come, but if you are a great developer and you like our app, we’d love to hear from you. Email us.

TeuxDeux = 1

It’s a birthday day here at TeuxDeux headquarters.

A year ago today, my studiomates Cameron, Evan and I launched a To-Do App called TeuxDeux. Little did we know that our fun side project would touch so many people’s lives and increase the global productivity index by 34%. (joking)

Within hours of launching and announcing it on swissmiss, Fast Company wrote a blog post about it calling it “The Web’s most beautiful To-Do List“. Yes, we were speechless.

Within 24h of launch we had over 10k users, which grew to 50k users in a mere 4 weeks. Now, a year later, just by word-of-mouth we have over a 140k users. (That’s more than 46 times the size of the town I grew up in in Switzerland.)

We have been blown away by the response to our simple, calendar based app. It obviously struck a nerve with people that like to get things done. If you love making lists, you mostly like will like TeuxDeux.

The minute we launched everyone started asking for an iPhone app. We listened. Cameron and I, savvy when it comes to web sites and web apps, had never done an iPhone app. As you can imagine, the learning curve was steep, but the fun factor and overall excitement of getting into a new medium was high! Entering this new territory made me think back to the days when I just started out in web design. A few times, before a call with our developer, I looked over to Cameron and asked: “If I ask for this feature, will I come across like a client that asks for a Flash Site with a ‘Skip Intro’ page?”

The iPhone app development took us longer than we anticipated but in august of 2010 we finally launched the TeuxDeux App:

We built TeuxDeux for ourselves. We *never* anticipated this getting so big and having such a profound impact on so many people’s lives.

We now have a huge global fanbase that on a daily basis sends us love tweets:

A big giant thank you to all of our loyal users! If you’re wondering What deux yeux have teux deux teuxday? Have a piece of cake for us!

Yay Internet!

TeuxDeux: New Features + iPhone App

Big happy news from Team TeuxDeux: We just launched a bunch of new features AND, hold on to your seats, you can now take your to-do’s with you when on the go with our TeuxDeux iPhone App! Yay!

The iPhone App does everything the web version does, and of course, syncs seamlessly. Use the web version when at home or work and then take TeuxDeux on the go with our iPhone App. (We are working on the Android app, please be patient!) Here’s a cool feature that you probably didn’t expect to find: The iPhone App allows for multiple accounts: Share one with your spouse and use it for your shopping list, or have one with your team at work and use it as a project list. Endless possibilities, really. Watch our Demo Video below to get an idea how the App works.

For those of you who are not familiar with TeuxDeux: It’s a simple, designy, browser-based to-do app that my studio mates Cameron, Evan and I launched last december. Within hours of announcing, FastCompany called us the Best To-Do App of 2009. For the first time ever, I got to experience the ‘swissmiss effect’. (Within 24h we had over 10k users.)

We’ve been blown away by how passionate our users are. We get daily “I love you TeuxDeux!” Tweets. Lucky us! (Check out what people say about us on twitter.) Also, our users were mighty vocal about what features they’d like to see included in a future version. We listened: Starting today, you can enjoy your TeuxDeux in a fluid view, this means, if you have a big monitor that allows for a wide browser window, the columns stretch and allow for longer to-do’s. (If you want to keep the old view, just got into your settings tab and select ‘skinny view’.)

Up until yesterday, the only way to move forward in your list was by jumping one day at a time. Gone are the days of moving turtle speed. We upgraded you to cheetah-rabbit status. You can either jump 5 days at a time or even jump into a specific date in the future with the calendar widget. Simply click on the forward arrow and see your speed options revealed. (Thanks to the Dribbble Users for helping us figure out how to do this in the most elegant way possible. Special thanks go to Davin Risk.)

So, in short, TeuxDeux got flexible, faster AND mobile. (iPhone App)

Here’s a video explaining all the new features:

So, the question really is: What deux yeux have to deux teuxday?

Sign up for a free account.
Get the iPhone App.

New to TeuxDeux? Watch our Intro Video.
Already a pro? Watch our New Features video!
View a Demo of our iPhone App.

TeuxDeux Made Top 25

TeuxDeux, the simple, free To-Do application that my studiomates Cameron, Evan and I created was mentioned as one of the Top 25 Most Useful Websites by PCWorld.in.


Here’s how fav4.org works:

– Pick your favorite four websites from their settings list.
– Set this fav.org as your browser’s start page.
– Enjoy!

UPDATE: Just emailed with fav4.org, they will be adding the TeuxDeux Icon! YES! TeuxDeux is part of the selection now. Fantastic!

(via @mikearauz)

TeuxDeux featured on Mashable

What an honor to have our TeuxDeux To-Do app mentioned on Mashable as one of 18 Online Productivity Tools for Your Business! Yay!

Not familiar with TeuxDeux? It’s a simple, designy, browser-based to-do app that I designed and my studio mates Evan and Cameron of FictiveKin developed. The response has been amazing: We launched about 5 weeks ago and have close to 60k users. (!) And yes, we are working on the iPhone app and are close to releasing a desktop Air app. Sit tight!

TeuxDeux: A simple, designy, to-do app


I have been looking forward to this moment: the launch of my simple, designy, free, browser-based to-do application called TeuxDeux.

It all started a few months back, when I got into a conversation with my studiomate Cameron about to-do apps. I have tried pretty much every to do-app
there is but always wanted a different layout or feature set, mostly, LESS *fewer* features. I figured out what works for me (a weekview, with the ability to check things off) but I couldn’t find it anywhere. After I gave Cameron my vision of what ‘my’ perfect to-do app would look like, he simply said: “Well, design it and Evan and I will build it!” And that’s exactly what we did. TeuxDeux is the first collaboration between FictiveKin and swissmiss.

TeuxDeux is designed around my personal work-flow and preference of how I like my to-do’s organized. As I pretty much ‘live’ in the browser, I have it set to be my homepage, so, every time I open a browser window (which is every few minutes) I am being hit over the head with what I need to get done, which has proven to be very effective.

In TeuxDeux, you always see and entire week in front of you and you see what day of the week you’re on. Days in the past are light gray, the actual day is red and days in the future are black. You have the ability of checking items off, which is incredibly satisfying. But, you can also ‘x’ an item off, delete it, if you want to get rid of the clutter. Up to you.

Items that you didn’t take care of ‘today’ will automatically be moved to the next day. Also, you can manually drag items from one day to another time in the future.

Then there’s the “Someday Section”: Sometimes you just need to jolt down an upcoming to-do that doesn’t need to be taken care of in the immediate future. Just get it out of your head by adding it to the someday section. My studiomate and avid TeuxDeux tester Chesley actually figured out a nice little hack in making the Someday section more useful: She labeled the columns within that section for different projects and areas on her life. (personal, work, family, email…)

TeuxDeux is as minimal as it gets, and we like it like that. Give it a spin and let us know what you think. (Use the feedback tab at the bottom for your comments)

And yes, we are working on an iPhone app! Promised! Follow us on twitter.com/teuxdeux to stay in the loop!

Watch our little demo video by Cameron:

TeuxDeux Demo from TeuxDeux on Vimeo.