Albrecht Dürer’s Pillow Studies (1493)

What a joy to see a simple line drawing/sketch by someone as renowned as: Albrecht Dürer.

Vladimir Dog Coat

This rainbow dog raincoat by Stutterheim is making my heart so happy.

The Revolving Statues of the Manhattan Bridge

This Instagram account is pure gold if you want to learn interesting facts about New York City.

Continuum by Krista Kim

Times Square is not a place I ever want to visit. Until now: I would love to experience Continuum by Krista Kim where synchronized across 90 electronic billboards, a slowly shifting gradient of color washes over Times Square, creating a moment of calm amidst one of the most visually kinetic places in the world.

Silver Linings Sweater

I want this sweater. For myself. Is this weird?

Tax The Rich

and have a nice day.

Pigeon Socks

I discovered Pigeon Socks. And I am happy about it. They are US made and by a woman-run and owned company called This Night.

Macon & Lesquoy Patches

I chuckled upon discovering these colorful patches by Macon & Lesquoy at the tradeshow this last weekend.


Patagonia Films presents: Treeline. Follow a group of skiers, snowboarders, scientists and healers to the birch forests of Japan, the red cedars of British Columbia and the bristlecones of Nevada, as they explore an ancient story written in rings.

The Bialetti Moka Express

Thank you Open Culture for this deep dive post into The Bialetti Moka Express. (Click through for more info on this ingenious invention)

Good Things

Loving Loving Loving Melanie Richard’s personal compilation of good sensory things in life. Inspired by this!

Thank you for sharing Chris.

Bread Hat and Loafers

I like Nicole McLaughlin‘s take on how to keep warm in winter.

Pizza Compass

I was just reminded that the Pizza Compass App exists. Not new, but still awesome.

Locked Down Looking Up

Doris Mitsch’s Locked Down Looking Up series is pure delight. It started as a series of images made over time from a fixed point—outside her front door—during the San Francisco Bay Area’s lockdown to slow the spread of Covid-19. Multiple shots were combined to show the flight trails of birds, insects, and bats. While most everything in her life came to a standstill, up in the air, there was still a lot going on. Later, when she started to be able to move around a little more, she began to explore other locations. Click through here to see these images larger.

Zero Waste Reusable Shopping Bag

This tote caught my eye. It’s 100% plastic free, machine washable, tear resistant and made from sustainably grown eucalyptus trees.

Designer Hoodie

I’d totally wear this Designer Hoodie, by Tanner Christensen.

Avoid The Temptation

This is hard one.

Architecture in Music

My heart can barely handle the awesomeness that is this photo series titled Architecture in Music by Charles Brooks. What would it feel like to live inside your musical instrument?

ps: if you love these, you can buy a print.

A Posse of Misfits

Create magic together.

Emojy To Scale

This Emoji to Scale site is delightfully silly.

How Big Is Our Universe?

An updated version of Powers of Ten, based on current science. Fascinating.

A Kindness Log

Loving these instructions for keeping a Kindness Log.

(Thank you Annie)

Rope Leash

It’s happening. I have become a person who posts about design-y dog products. This rope leash is pretty. (Comes in a set with poop bag holder and collar. I am into it.)

Kimono Patterns

Designs from Kimono Pattern Books (ca. 1902). Delightful.