Design Matters with Ethan Hawke

Wonderful Design Matters episode with Ethan Hawke.


Fade Puzzle

Yep, this is one cool puzzle.


“I belong everywhere I go, no matter where it is, or who it I am with, as long as I never betray myself. The minute I become who you want me to be, in order to fit in and make sure people like me, is the moment I no longer belong anywhere.”
– Brene Brown

(This interview with Brene Brown is well worth your time.)

Stand Here for Dance Party

Team ImprovEverywhere surprised random people with an unexpected 100-person dance party on the streets of NYC. This is pure joy!

Link Pack


– My remarkable Friend Patricia is putting together a thoughtful, nourishing retreat on a Greek Island this September. Wish I could go! (There are only two spots left)

Visualization of How Fast a Ball Drops on Various Solar System Bodies

– I love a good Rain Poncho. This one caught my eye.

– My friend Gene Monterastelli started an early morning tapping club to start the day off on the right foot. Accountability buddies unite! Not familiar with tapping, Gene breaks it down for you.

– Love this modern outdoor broom.

Half a Life in 2 Minutes

– I am dreaming of an Airstream Bambi. I might have to start with this mini version.

– Whoa! Stunnig minimal, Danish modular bed.

– The webcams of many laptops, especially MacBooks, are notoriously bad. EpocCam apps, you can turn your iPhone into a better quality, external webcam to use on Zoom, Google Meet, etc. (via Kai)

– I want a Smock. Do you want a Smock?

– This is what radical acceptance looks like. (via)

– A worthwhile long read: Dancing with Systems, by Donella Meadows (via)

– In Finland, preventing car accidents by painting reindeer antlers looks absolutely mythic. (via)

– Remember when songs came with fun music videos? I miss those days. Dive into the 80s here.

– Wow, a non-cheesy colored inflatable pool?! YES!

This is a beach chair I can get behind.

Tattly turned 10 last week! TEN!? A decade! Wow! (Whispers: I am grateful we made it through this last year, for a second there it looked like we wouldn’t hit this milestone.)

– Wow! There are over 2830 jobs listed on the CreativeMornings Job Board, of which 679 are remote friendly!

Rich Roll

So many truth bombs in this mini portrait on Rich Roll.


I keep laughing at this Business hat! So many fun ways to use it to bring a point across…


“To make living itself an art, that is the goal.”
– Henry Miller


Edie Parker Abstract Basketball

What is going on, I am all of a sudden posting design-y balls. This one last week. Now this basketball. A new obsession?

Poche Bateau

Yep, in love with Clair V.’s Poche Bateau.

Translucent Textiles

In love with Japanese artist and designer Mariko Kusumoto and her translucent textiles sculptures.

Perpetual Kindness

“Nothing can make our life, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness.”
– Leo Tolstoy


Pulp Storage

YES! containers made out of 100% recycled paper!

Instagram Grid Poster

Yep, I want one of these Instagram Grid Posters. Their Photo Strips are cool too! What a great bookmark-gift!

Maybe love is…

“Maybe, when it comes down to it, love is not about chasing another human being. Maybe, love is about chasing yourself. Chasing your growth. Chasing your hope.

Maybe love is about learning how to be gentle with yourself, how to believe in the way the Universe has removed certain people from your life. And maybe love grows within you when you learn how to trust your own heart, when you learn how to walk away from the things that have not cared for it. Maybe, love is about learning how to accept that sometimes even beautiful things end, that sometimes the timing isn’t right. And maybe love is about learning that endings aren’t something to regret; maybe it is about learning how to let go, how to appreciate the things you experienced at the hands of caring that were real and hopeful and light in a world that sometimes fails to be soft.

Maybe, love is about learning how to be alone. Maybe it is about learning how to wake up in the middle of the bed. How to make just one cup of coffee in the morning. How to hold your own heart, how to take up space. Maybe there is beauty to be found in falling in love with your growth, in learning how to stop filling voids with other human beings, and instead, in slowly having the courage to heal those voids yourself.

Maybe love is about learning how to be proud of the person you are stretching into, is about embracing the beauty and the depth that exists in trying for something while you are here. And maybe within that, love is about honoring your heart. Maybe the truest, and most honest, extension of love exists in the way you learn how to love yourself, exists in the way you learn how to be compassionate towards the parts of yourself, and your journey, that no one else claps for.

Maybe, love exists in the way you fight to be here, in the way you crash your heart into this world. Maybe, love is about you — being your own strength, being your own safe place. Maybe, when it comes down to it, love is about finally learning how to give yourself the same love you so beautifully give to others. Maybe, love is about embracing the person you are becoming, and believing in your heart, on even your hardest of days.”


Richard Scherr

I am currently staying at a cozy lakeside Airbnb in upstate NY and had the pleasure to strike up a conversation with the gentleman next door. Turns out his name is Richard Scherr and he is an accomplished architect and artists.

As I was gushing about his beautiful cabin on the lake he spontaneously invited me to tour the inside. His cabin includes a small art studio filled with his beautiful sculptures.

I swear my heart grew three times its size and here I am with a new life goal: At some point in my life, I want to live in a beautifully designed cabin on a tiny lake and make art.

Poetic Sheep

A herd of sheep.

TeuxDeux Got a Tune Up (Hello, Android Users!)

In 2010 I accidentally, for funsies, created a simple to-do app with my studiomate Cameron Koczon. We jokingly called it TeuxDeux. This trusty companion has kept us organized ever since!

A few weeks after building it, and just Cameron and I using it, friends kept asking to get in on it. We decided to make it available to the public and has since attracted an incredibly loyal and committed fan base of humans who love to cross things off.

The concept is simple: Make an app that feels as close to a paper list as possible, but that is with you at every step of the way: On the go on your phone but also ready to keep you organized when you work on your computer. (The secret is to set your browser landing page to so you’re being reminded what you need to do every time you open a browser window!)

Cameron and his team spent the past few months rebuilding the app from scratch and, drumrolls please, added the long awaited Android app! (iPhone users, we gotchu too.)

If you’re familiar with TeuxDeux you’ll notice the new and improved user interface on the app and the much faster and reliable syncing thanks to a complete rebuild of the back-end.

I love this app and I am grateful it is in such capable hands with Cameron and his team: Try it for free!

Link Pack

Impossible to watch this without being moved in the depth of your soul. (via)

– NPR built a science-backed Joy Generator

This app shows pedestrians the shadiest walking route on hot days

Whoa, this thread! Brian asked “What are the best YouTube channels for leaning (any subject welcome)?

This Marble/Metal Single Stem Propagation Plant Stand is beautiful and sold out.

– Yes to all of these 21 Grilled-Vegetable Recipes

– I like this tumblr.

– Intrigued by everyhour which allows you to track how you spend your time.

– I love Nitch so much. I have to keep bringing it back.

Learn about the native homelands where you live. (via)

Ideas Needed: What to Do With Old Bowling Balls (They’re Unrecyclable)

The Femke Agema SS13 collection made me giggle.

I love this linen scarf.

– How fun is this hanging outdoor lamp?

This wooden bird shaped phone stand is adorable.

– Come work with me: CreativeMornings is hiring a Community Coordinator. (If that’s not for you, there are 2787 more jobs on our job board of which 699 are remote friendly. )

– This is my first 4th of July as an American Citizen. Happy fourth, everyone!

Anke Loots

I love how Anke Loots sees the world.


Regard Yourself As A Cloud

“Regard yourself as a cloud, in the flesh, because you see, clouds never make mistakes. Did you ever see a cloud that was misshapen? Did you ever see a badly designed wave? No, they always do the right thing. But if you will treat yourself for a while as a cloud or a wave, and realize that you can’t make a mistake whatever you do. Because even if you do something that appears totally disastrous, it will all come out in the wash somehow or another. Then through this capacity you will develop a kind of confidence. And through confidence you will be able to trust your own intuition.”
— Alan Watts

Stephen Doyle Paper Sculptures

I might quite possibly Stephen Doyle‘s biggest fan. His paper sculptures make my heart explode.

Leisure Ball

Love this ball. That’s all.

Link Pack

– My remarkable friend Jocelyn Glei launched Radiate, a collaborative learning community dedicated to exploring, integrating, and radiating transformative change. It’s like interval training for transformation: Three phases of deep community, with lengthy breaks in-between. Sign-up ends today, Saturday June 26, 9pm EDT.

– Artist Reina Takahashi transposes the expressive, refined flourishes common in calligraphy into an exquisite series of paper type.

– Chloe Rosser’s photographic eye reconstructs bodies into genderless human sculptures

– In case you hadn’t seen this yet: Well done Google: When you type PRIDE across Google Sheet columns it does this!

The best water shoes according to Wirecutter.

– Excellent read: What if remote working didn’t mean working from home? (Psst.. our intentionally small, creative co-working community Friends Work Here is buzzing again and we only have 4 memberships left.)

– Some of these photos make me shiver: 40 Pics Of Slightly Unsettling “Liminal Spaces”

– Just as I was researching non-stick skillets the kitchn came out with a post about their favorites.

– Sheila Marie Orfano: How do you know what’s true?

– I dig this puzzle.

– I am so happy for team Duck Duck Go and their growth.

– This is some stunning looking French Press.

– I can get behind these reusable (washable) paper towels. Or should we just go back to calling them rags?

Secret NYC is a fabulous resource to find out what’s happening in Gotham City. (I love their Instagram account)

– This is a fun doormat.

– I’d give this lamp a loving home.

– Hello there, aesthetically pleasing metaltrays.

Female Design Council (FDC) is an action-oriented leadership organization dedicated to providing a strong professional community for all womxn irrespective of color, race, gender or sexual identity in the design industry.

– GAH! TVA Shirt. If you know, you know! (Thanks Kottke)

– Summer is here. Skin is out. Wear some art.