emily chang | eHub

Interesting read on EmilyChang.com: Design 2.0: Minimalism, Transparency, and You

eHub is a constantly updated list of web applications, services, resources, blogs or sites with a focus on next generation web (web 2.0), social software, blogging, Ajax, Ruby on Rails, location mapping, open source, folksonomy, design and digital media sharing.

View all eHub interviews.

(via designers who blog)

does it feeeeel like you’re making money?

My response produced another abyss of dead air. When Art didn’t speak, my heart dropped and my soul shrank. I pondered the tragic irony that my business was going to fail because it was too successful. And then …. The Universe must have hiccupped. God must have shot an air ball. Or Mother Nature must have dropped a stitch. I don’t know what caused it but a banker, and not just any banker mind you, but a slicked-down, big time, urban banker said something that was completely uncharacteristic of his profession. “Fred,” Art asked, “does it feeeeel like you’re making money?”

From ‘The World’s Greatest Banker’

(via coudal)

favIcon generator

Preview_16x16Create a favIcon from an image.

web hosting handbook

Wish I would have known about this site a few weeks ago. Web Hosting Handbook.

3M | take more away


Love the idea behind this ad. 3M – take more away.
You can view two more over at Advertising Design Goodness


FontifierFontifier lets you use your own handwriting on your computer. It turns a scanned sample of your handwriting into a handwriting font that you can use in your word processor or graphics program, just like regular fonts. Fontifier

(via looncrest)

edward gorey | illustrator


It’s the birthday of the author and illustrator Edward Gorey, born in Chicago, Illinois (1925). He’s known for writing and illustrating many morbidly funny books. His first was The Hapless Child (1961), about a little girl named Sophia who is picked on and abused, sold into slavery, forced to make artificial flowers, and finally run over by a car. (Writers Almanac, 2.22.06)

Edward Gorey

(via bb)

frank invaders

FrankShoot aliens with bananas on Frank Invaders. Endless fun to be had.

(via 30gms)

bye bye meat packing

CNN Breaking News: — Eight workers at a meat processing plant in Nebraska are the winners of a record $365 million Powerball jackpot, AP reports.

YAY for them!!!

knitta please

K_memorialtree_1Knitta began in August 2005, when AKrylik and PolyCotN were discussing their frustration over unfinished knitting projects: half-knitted sweaters and balls of yarn gathering dust. That afternoon, they knitted their first doorknob cozy. Then it dawned on them… A tag crew of knitters, bombing the inner city with vibrant, stitched works of art, wrapped around everything from beer bottles on easy nights to public monuments and utility poles on more ambitious outings. With a mix of clandestine moves and gangsta rap — Knitta was born! Today, Knitta is a group of more than 10 ladies of all ages, races, nationalities, religions, sexual orientation… and gender.

Knitta – Warming the world, one car antenna at a time…

Love the idea! Go Knitta!

(via poppy talk)

US travel map


Pillowshaped, stuffed US states… totally cracks me up. It’s humorous in its own way, no?

Learning On the Go: US TRAVEL MAP

real life cubed

217534chjg_w_1Photoshop contest at Worth1000.com – Cubism 7 – Real life, cubed. Made me smile…

Poor (square head) bunny!

(via gadgets.fosfor.se)

cereal boxes


1,300 Cereal Boxes

(via chris glass)

chocolate flavored cheese

Cheese_280705_2321Oh no, this is a crime. My swiss cheese heart is bleeding: Processed cheese slices with a chocolate flavor – popular in Asia.

Chesdale chocolate cheese slices have captured 10% of the cheese market in Taiwan just six months after the product’s release…
…The plastic-wrapped brown-coloured slices were winning converts to dairy products in a market where cheese is traditionally shunned, Fonterra Brands Taiwan’s managing director Roger Boyd said.

(via bb)

swiss made | caran d’ache neocolor

Image_calculate1phpAnyone who grew up in Switzerland will know these: Caran d’Ache – Neocolor. I’ll have to picks ome up next time I go back to the old country. The crafty-goddess is slowly but surely awakening in me…

Available at swissmade. Approx. $13.30 USD

UPDATE: Thanks to Frida for her tip: you can buy them also at dickblick.com


Quick Online Tips: Absolutely Del.icio.us – Complete Tool Collection. Here’s a few that caught my eye:

Thumblicio.us – displays screenshots of sites by tags or most popular sites from del.icio.us.

Safarilicious – exports safari bookmarks to del.icio.us automatically.

del.icio.us pioneers – Who keeps posting the most popular links?

Linkrolls – display your latest del.icio.us bookmarks on your website.

(via tobias kopp)

bit product database

Bitindex: An information agency servicing the Information Age

(via design*notes)


Knitting men. Here in NYC. Who knew?

the business of graphic design

The Business of Graphic Design: A synopsis of essential tips and tricks that every design studio owner should know.

(via how design)



A web resource dedicated to tracking developments in the realm of ‘modernist prefab dwellings’: FabPrefab.

gDiapers | flushable diapers

Us_pant_colors_1 Imagine taking your baby’s soiled diaper and simply flushing it down the toilet. No more smell. No more diaper. No more diaper pail. You’re putting waste right where it belongs, in the toilet. Not in a landfill. That’s exactly how gDiapers work.

gDiapers are a two-part system. The flushable inner refill fits into a pair of colorful ‘little g’ pants. When the flushable becomes soiled, simply flush it down the toilet. It’s that easy. gDiapers. Fashion and function on one cute bum.

Watch the video.

This is brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! And they are oh-so-stylish! (enter happy mommy to be sigh here)

Thanks BB!

it’s a… gadget!


Oh my G, let’s hope that is not what Peanutella looks like…

Gadget Baby by Enrico Bonafede, appeared in NFL magazine.

(via coudal)


Open Source Web Design is a community of designers and site owners sharing free web design templates as well as web design information. Helping to make the internet a prettier place! Open Source Webdesign Templates

This one’s a nice one.

(via digg)


A tutorial that goes step by step through the process of implementing a real-world web design into a working template using CSS for layout: CSS Layout Tutorial for beginners

Also, another basic tutorial: CSS Basics.com

This CSS layout generator made me look: Handy CSS layout generator for web developers

(via digg)