rubber stamps


Rubber stamps are a little secret passion of mine. Can’t stop browsing Blade

(via the Mädschen Weis Way)

Picture_6 – Bookmarked!

(via popwuping)

web timeline


Nova Spivack’s Web Timeline.

(via fubiz)

a brief history of design


(found over at digitalroam)

This is your life (and how you tell it)

Illustration by Otto Steininger

For more than a century, researchers have been trying to work out the raw ingredients that account for personality, the sweetness and neuroses that make Anna Anna, the sluggishness and sensitivity that make Andrew Andrew. They have largely ignored the first-person explanation — the life story that people themselves tell about who they are, and why. …

This is your life (and how you tell it),
NYTimes Article by Benedict Carey,
Published May 22, 2007

quote | charles eames

“Here is one of the few effective keys to the design problem — the ability of the designer to recognize as many of the constraints as possible — his willingness and enthusiasm for working within these constraints. Constraints of price, of size, of strength, of balance, of surface, of time and so forth.”

– Charles Eames

stina persson | opening tonight in NYC


Solo exhibit by Stina Persson, Opening Reception May 24, 6 – 9pm
at Gallery Hanahou

Stina, currently one of my favorite illustrators out there, is having an opening tonight here in NYC. Make sure to stop by if you live closeby and appreciate her work as much as I do. See you there!

French & Spanish Flash Cards



French & Spanish Flash Cards. I would also like a version swiss-german / german…

(via bblinks)


Small_361_1055_1SofaHänger is for people like us that don’t have a coffee table. Now, if only our couch came with an armrest. Hmm… I realize the site is in german, just so much: You can custom order to match your sofa!



Cool looking expandable wall-mounted lamp over at

(bathroom) conceal shelf

ConcealshelfThis is the coolest thing to happen in the bathroom since indoor plumbing. Towels seem to magically float in the air with this conceal shelf.icon The secret is that the powder coated steel shelf becomes invisible when a towel is wrapped around it, allowing you to stack more towels on top of that first one.

Also comes in a bookshelficon version.

‘fanny-pack’ redefined: ammo bag

Ammobag The word “fanny-pack” doesn’t exactly bring to mind hip style, hips, yes, but not hip. But things are a-changing with this modern Ammo Bagicon that can be worn around the hips or over the back or shoulder. Made in Los Angeles.

tyvek market bag

Brownbagit_2I love these super-simple Market Bags icon! What’s so cool about them you’re wondering? They are made of ultra-durable Tyvek, a synthetic material made of high-density polyethylene fiber.

I will definitely get myself one of these!

retail me not


Retail Me Not another coupon site. Shop responsibly.

(via product dose)

solar helicopter


The rotor blades of this wooden helicopter go round in the sunshine. Great for demonstrating solar power in action – in the shade the blades stop turning. Cool!

eco balls


Original Eco Balls laundry kit – supposed to lasts for 1,000 washes! Inside each ball are mineral salts that very very disintegrate as you use them. After about 750 washes (2 to 3 years or more!) open the balls and add the refills provided. Place the three eco balls in your washing machine instead of washing powder, together they produce ionized oxygen that activates the water molecules naturally and allows them to penetrate deep into clothing fibres to lift dirt away. They apparently will not fade bright colours or damage clothing fibres. Eco balls are hypoallergenic so they are suitable for sensitive skins/eczema (including babies and children). Eco balls soften clothes even in hard water, and no fabric conditioner is necessary. They are also anti-bacterial and kill Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus.

WOW! Anyone have any experience with these??

Sounds Of The Sea


Sounds Of The Sea

john derian | ladybird bug


John Derian Ladybird Bug

wander pouches | shannon south


wander pouches by shannon south

vecteezy | stupid name. cool vectors

Vecteezy is an index of Free Vectors available for download.


Some of these will come in VERY handy next time I am scrambling for buttons or at least a ‘base’ for a button that I can build upon, like these.


These organic shapes caught my eye.


splats and hatchings


Print Tools: Envelope Sizes – CD Covers and Labels

Check out the There’s so much good stuff!


PixfindrPicFindr is a rich internet application (RIA) that helps you search several stock image and photo community sites simultaneously.

(via basement)

2020ok: directory of free online books

2020ok: Directory of FREE Online Books and FREE eBooks

(via basement)

calypso round box


I *love* boxes. The Calypso Round Box made me smile. Fun!

stairway = storage


Stairs with built in drawers. Brilliant! (G, I let’s break through to our upstairs neighbor. We’ll have so much more storage! ha!)