Baby Mermaid Tale

This handmade mermaid baby sleeping bag by the Miniature Knit Shop made me laugh.


This is by far the most stunning children’s bed I have ever seen. It is designed after curves of unhye and danghye, traditional Korean shoes, allowing children to sleep alone feeling as if they are in the warm protection and tender love of their mothers. Hat tip to the designers Hyunjin Seo and Jaekyoung Kim.

(via ideas to steal)

DIY Pompoms

One of my favorite newsletters, by far, is the one by Mini Eco. This tutorial made me have major flashbacks of the countless pompoms I made as a kid in Switzerland. Red pompoms were my specialty! (Of course!) I wish Etsy would have been around back then, I could have dabbled in entrepreneurship early on!

So, here you go, learn how to make a pompom!

Zoo by Ionna Vautrin

Zoo is a series of bright, colorful, oversized cuddle toys (or pillows?) by Ionna Vautrin. I am quite amazed at how she was able to reduce the shapes of the toucan, panda bear and the whale. They are quite big, about 39in, making them extra huggable.

(via Gesa)

MoMA’s Art Lab iPad App

I played around with MoMA’s brand new Art Lab iPad App. The fun app features art by Henri Matisse, Elizabeth Murray, Jean (Hans) Arp, and others. It lets you create sound compositions, shape poems, group drawings and shape collages. It’s quite impressive to see what the digital in-house team at the MoMA is able to release. They are quite a digital powerhouse.

The MoMA Art Lab app is intended for ages seven and up. Can’t wait to show it to my daughter tonight!

Biodegradable Straws

These Straws are not only biodegradable but also stylish!

Kid’s Shoe Rack

I am pretty sure my six year old would be gaga over this adorable shoe rack. It allows you to store up to 4 pairs of shoes in a small amount of space with. You can adjust the height between tiers for a custom fit.

Artsy Graphite Pencils

My friend Julia brought me a multipack of these lovely Graphite Pencils from Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Each one features a quotation to fit any mood or situation and are made from laquered quality graphite. Lovely!

DIY LEGO Key Holder

This DIY LEGO Key Holder just made my day!

Freeze A Rainbow

I am pretty confident I’ll be reaching supermom status once I make a batch of these Rainbow Popsicles for my kids.

A Sesame Street Classic

(via The Kid Should See This)

Pet Balloons

Pet Balloons are ballons, in shapes of pets that float right above the ground, that you pull behind yourself, on a ‘leash’.

I want the chicken, and roam DUMBO with it. Or maybe the Panda? Or should I stick with my Invisible Dog?

(thank you Payton)

Retro Cat + Dog

Irresistible retro looking Stuffed Cat and Dog by Jane Foster. What kid wouldn’t want to cuddle with these?

Fantastic Kids Room

Talk about a kids rooms I wouldn’t mind living in myself.

Cardboard Houses by Kidsonroof

My kids adore our Casa Cabana House, which has magically survived 5 years of play. The Kidsonroof Rocket would definitely get my son’s immagination going. Here’s your ticket to being superaunt or superuncle!

Birthday Card

YES to this birthday card idea, unless the receiver of the card is over 100. Then you need two of them.

(via Bekka on Pinterest)

Seasaw Bench

Dirk Ploos van Amstel has created a seesaw for children that converts to a bench. YES!


(Big thanks to our Swedish model Josef)

It’s Tattly Tuesday and that means we just launched new designs: Check out these adorable Fake Monsters by Dutch Designer AnkePanke.

And have a glance at today’s Tattly Hack. I am pretty sure it will make you smile!


DIY just added the explore stream which makes me want to go home and make something with my kids asap. Kids crafts/art is the best.

Jim Henson Tribute

The Muppets pay tribute to their creator, Jim Henson, who passed away 22 years ago this week.

(via explore)

That Unicorn is so Fluffy!

(via renovationdiaries) is a new project by Zach Klein that is trying to create a safe place on the web to foster kids’ creativity. As a mother of two, and creativity being a huge part of my work life, I couldn’t be more excited.

Here’s how it works: Let your kid sign up and create an account where they can safely publish what they make. They can upload videos and pictures of their projects using the DIY website or iphone/iPod Touch app. Kids’ projects are online for everone to see, and parents can add stickers to show support. Parents also have their own control panel to follow their activity and also to make sure they’re not sharing anything that should be private.

Consider it a tool that lets kids collect everything they make as they grow up. I love this idea!

World Map Onesie

Here’s how you dress a future world traveler: world map onesie.

Timo Handmade

How adorable is this little doll family? Talk about character! Found it over on Etsy in Timo Handmade’s Shop.