Earth Tourist

Love this Earth Tourist patch.

Designing Women

Designing women explores the impact of women in design. It also aims to raise awareness of an ongoing gender imbalance in the design industry.

(via Chris)

Depth | Personalized Journal Prompts

Wow, these AI powered personalized journal prompts are quite helpful for understanding and navigating how you are feeling. The fine folks at Holstee keep impressing me with their thoughtfulness.

Obsolete Sounds

The world’s biggest collection of obsolete sounds. Made me look.


Happy Medium Events

Happy Medium is an NYC events series designed for the adult beginner who wants to have fun creating instead of consuming for a few hours with zero expectation of being “good enough.”

I love this so much I might burst!

Laundry Buddies

These laundry buddies made me laugh. (They supposedly remove pet hair and lint from your laundry.)


This is WaterLight, a device that provides electrical power using only salt water. 45 days of light with half a liter of seawater. This is incredible!

Safe Place / Biggest Adventure

I love love love the words shared on this post by Rainbowsalt.

Errant Pack

Errant pack seems like a super versatile and stylish backpack. Wishlisted.

The Mind-Bending Physics of Time

How the Big Bang gave us time, explained by theoretical physicist.

Cat Flyer for Kindness

Cat Flyer for kindness. Good reminder. Download it. Spread it.

(via Chris)

Stock and Flow

…There are two kinds of quantities in the world. Stock is a static value: money in the bank or trees in the forest. Flow is a rate of change: fifteen dollars an hour or three thousand toothpicks a day. Easy. Too easy.

But I actually think stock and flow is a useful metaphor for media in the 21st century. Here’s what I mean:

Flow is the feed. It’s the posts and the tweets. It’s the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that reminds people you exist.

Stock is the durable stuff. It’s the content you produce that’s as interesting in two months (or two years) as it is today. It’s what people discover via search. It’s what spreads slowly but surely, building fans over time. …

Read the full article titled Stock and Flow

Virtual Insanity

Can’t believe how well this song holds up. I would love to see them live. Also, check out Cosmic Girl. So good!

Update: OMG, thanks to my friend Steve I now know how they filmed this:

How To Stop Crying?

This stopped me in my tracks. Wow.

Magnet Button Tag

I am a huge fan of all things Various Keytags. Their new customizable magnetic button tag is making me squeal. So many ideas on what to create…

Hania Rani

(Thank you Cengic)

The 4 Types of Luck

I love this thread on four types of luck.

(Thank you Manu)

Map Art

Ed Fairburn draws detailed human portraits emerging out of maps. Stunning!

Mushroom Santa

How the Psychedelic Amanita Muscaria Mushroom May Have Inspired the Santa Legend of Lapland

Rechargeable Tape Light

I don’t know what I would use it for but I want it: Rechargeable Tape Light.


Meet Jonah Hill’s friend and therapist, Phil Stutz. Directed by Hill, this film invites you to explore Dr. Stutz’s Tools for life in an effort to get real, get personal, and get better.

Visualize location of emotions in the body

Illustration by Maya Chastain

Fascinating: Where emotions are felt in the body.


NYC Marathon Signs

The NYC Marathon is my favorite day of the year. Nothing compares to the loving and uplifting energy pulsing through this city on this day. And then, the signs, they make me happy. My neighborhood Fort Greene really goes all out. See my neighbors dance here.

Food Art by MOLD

I have spent an absurdly long time on this Instagram Account displaying surreal food art.

(Via Weekly Highlights)