I know, I’ve posted about Sharon Montrose before. I just discovered this Macaw Print! A beauty!
A minimalist way of viewing flickr images
A new, minimalist way of viewing Flickr photostreams; Ihardlyknowher.com. If you have a Flickr account, your URL is http://www.ihardlyknowher.com/yourFlickrusername. The above screenshot is taken from my swissmiss account.
(via ehub)
Learn to Speak Body: Tape 5
MitchellRose.com & BodyVox Dance Co. present a language instructional video. But instead of Bosnian or Burmese, this teaches the grammatical intricacies of body language. Yes, in just a few easy lessons you too can learn to speak body just like humans do. See more comedies at MitchellRose.com. Hilarious!
Her Morning Elegance
(via newly designed Fubiz)
Copenhagen Harbour Bath
Copenhagen’s harbour is in the midst of a transformation from an industrial port and traffic junction to being the cultural and social centre of the city. The superdesigny Harbour Bath has been instrumental in this evolution. The Harbour Bath offers an urban harbour landscape with dry-docks, piers, boat ramps, cliffs, playgrounds and pontoons. As a terraced landscape, the Harbour Bath completes the transition from land to water, making it possible for the citizens of Copenhagen to go for a swim in the middle of the city. Go Denmark!
Act Fire Extinguisher
The Act Fire Extinguisher connects to a wireless fire alarm system and alerts with sound and light when the alarm is triggered. The form is modern and elegant and would in a discreet way fit in almost any homes. Design and idea by Sigrun Vik, a master student at Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Only a concept at this point but I hope this will go into production!
Journal of Urban Typography
The Journal of Urban Typography is dedicated to the documentation and study of signs,
word fragments, and typography created with utilitarian intent in urban environments.
(via plasticshore)
Slat Rack
The Slat Rack is made out of powdercoated steel, and is available in white, orange, green and brown.
German Bundesliga Fashion
We just had a really good laugh here at the studio watching this video. Thank you Jennifer.
Our Childrens’ Gorilla: A Frame
A sturdy A Frame doll house by Andrew Geller.
Myope Pillow
Lovely Graphic Pillows over at BonjourMonCoussin. Above: Myope.
A thousand Words
A Thousand Words from Ted Chung on Vimeo.
A thousand words is a short film by Ted Chung telling the fleeting moments people share without being aware of it. Beautiful.
(via visualattitudes)
Charlie Rose: Alexander Calder/Trillin
One day, I will own a Calder Mobile. I will.
I am all for dots.
Big, multicolor dots make a bold statement in any room. Multi-Dot Rug: Yes, please!
Who’s that smiling at me in the conference room?
Photograph by Nick Turpin.
Little Snitch
Little Snitch informs you whenever a program attempts to establish an outgoing Internet connection. You can then choose to allow or deny this connection, or define a rule how to handle similar, future connection attempts. This reliably prevents private data from being sent out without your knowledge. Little Snitch runs inconspicuously in the background and it can also detect network related activity of viruses, trojans and other malware.
(thank you tom)
Soft Tree Trunk Stool
No trees were harmed in the making of this Soft Tree Trunk Stool. It’s made of soft foam, not wood, and makes an eye-catching ottoman, extra seat, or side table. Group several together and transform a room from ordinary to enchanting.
Designed by Ilona Huvernaars and Alissia Melka-Teichroew. I am in love.
Available at Kikkerland.com shortly.
Font Haiku
Transparent? Get real.
Sickeningly self-conscious.
Yep, Helvetica.
Read them all: Font Haiku. Hilarious.
It would be so great to see you!
It would be so great to see you, a Fill-In-The-Blank Letterpress Invitation by Bread and Butter.
The SkipHop way to organize Bath Toys
Tubby is a new Bath Toys organizer made of mesh and neoprene by SkipHop. I like it!