Fonts are like cologne: A bad choice speaks louder than a good one.
– Justin Feinstein
Fonts are like cologne: A bad choice speaks louder than a good one.
– Justin Feinstein
Dots & Stripes. Ahhh. Dots & stripes. Makes me happy! Chip Cheery Storage Containers
Jeff Deck and Benjamin Herson are traveling across the country correcting spelling and punctuation errors wherever they see them.
(via hello bauldoff)
Need to know what’s currently happening in San Francisco? Get your hands on one of PSFK’s Snapshot Books. It’s basically PFSK’s selection of what’s inspirational in San Francisco – it’s half guide book, half trends report. This Snapshot Report contains details of unique and innovative businesses, events, organizations and ideas in one of the most inspirational cities in the world.
Interior Weeds by Arwin Caljouw. Made me chuckle. Embrace the Weeds!
CITIZEN:Citizen’s collection of objects challenges established notions of beauty and design. The collection is carefully selected from leading creatives in the art and design worlds to highlight the arbitrary nature of the boundaries between art and design.
And the Untitled Books by Joe Gebbia, who I just had lunch with today. (Thank you Internet)
Jon Dyer has been growing a beard every winter for some years now, and every spring, he tries to see how many facial hair variations as he can check off from the chart of facial hair types. Check out his site. Hilarious.
(via chrisglass)
TOMS Shoes business plan is simple – for every shoe you purchase, they send a pair of shoes to a child in need. Since 2006, they have given 10,000 pairs to children in Argentina and 50,000 pairs in South Africa. This year alone, they plan on giving 200,000 pairs of shoes to children in need around the world. Here is a clip of an acutal shoe drop in Argentina back in 2006.
Incorporate giving in what you do!
This just gave me goosebumps. Hat tip!
See the full post over at minordetails.
Where you put your time and attention says a lot about who you are. It says a lot about you as a human being. You have some idea in your head of all the stuff that is high priority to you. All the stuff that really matters. If I sat down and asked you what’s really important to you – you would say ‘oh my family and my church group and I’m a deacon.’ But then I go and I look in your email box, newsfeeds and web browser… If I went and got all CSI on that, what would the last two weeks of your electronic life say about how it maps to the stuff that you claim is really important?
(via jratlee)
Happy news! Swissmiss studio is getting an office with a view. I am going to be moving into a fabulous new space, together with talented designer Anke Stohlmann and fabulous interior designer Jennifer Ward from Minor Details. We’re forming our own little “Pentagram” office! In this Flickr photo set, you’ll be able to follow our build out of the space. Wooo hoooo!
Every parent of young children should have one of these You Can Do It T-Shirts!
(thank you jose)
Our last Likemind was sponsored by Randomhouse and we all received a copy of Buying In: The Secret Dialogue Between What We Buy and Who We Are, by Rob Walker, author of the “Consumed” column for the New York Times Magazine. I’ve only read a few pages but it seems promising. Robert over at Core77 wrote a review on it. I yet have to form an opinion!
Where’s the swiss-german accent?
(via a cup of jo)
“A Photo Editor” is sharing his list for photo book publishers. Excellent!