Link Pack

R.I.P Tina Turner. What a force! Proud to be her namesake. Fun fact, she became Swiss. I became American. A Tina-trade of nations.

Yahia Lababidi, an Egyptian author I follow and who’s work I admire, has a new book out, titled Quarantine notes, Aphorisms on morality and mortality.

Last week’s CreativeMornings/NYC talk moved me. Deeply. If you are someone who has a creative practice, or wants to pick one up, this talk is for you.

A Trove of Video Profiles of Artists

4 stress-reducing Google Calendar settings you didn’t know you needed. The “View calendars side-by-side in day view” made me gasp! YES! (via the CreativeMornings newsletter)

– I love plants. I didn’t know humidity trays are a thing.
Lay Lo makes some pretty design-y dog beds. I like.

How long do frozen foods (0°F) maintain their quality?

– This vintage espresso maker from 1956 is something else! (via)

I want a forest on my roof.

– My daughter LOVES bread. She would dig this bread bed.

– Is it really urgent?

– Explore the Extraordinary Eons-Old Details of the Moon’s Surface in an Astounding 1.3-Gigapixel Composite

My friend Jocelyn is offering a new 8 week course that is all about connecting to your creative life force in a new way — one that empowers you to tune into inspiration, drop into flow, and manifest your creative vision with ease. Jocelyn is a force.

– Summer is here and I am overhearing more and more conversations around people wanting to get a tattoo. Did you know that you can test drive a tattoo by a real tattoo artist, for just a few days? Here you go.

Still Life

Composed of over 1000 engravings from the 19th century, Still Life is a meditation on subject/object dualism.

Hopping Through Life on One Leg

“It doesn’t matter how sensitive you are or how damn smart and educated you are, if you’re not both at the same time, if your heart and your brain aren’t connected, aren’t working together harmoniously, well, you’re just hopping through life on one leg. You may think you’re walking, you may think you’re running a damn marathon, but you’re only on a hop trip. The connections gotta be maintained.”
Tom Robbins

Coffee Break

Made me look. Coffee break by Borje Alegre and Javier Jaen.


Love this illustration by Paul Davis.

Surreal Multi-Decker Caravans

These surreal multi-decker caravans by Ulises Design Studio made me smile.

Tiny Cars

I love me some vintage tiny cars.

Why So Many People Need Glasses Now

(via Chris)

A Smooth Hinge

“There is a door between the logical and intuitive worlds, and we must put a smooth hinge on it, and let it swing…”
– Lorna Crozier

Tenderness Towards Yourself

“Developing tenderness towards yourself allows you to see both your problems and your potential accurately. You don’t feel that you have to ignore your problems or exaggerate your potential.”
– Chögyam Trungpa

Link Pack

– THIS! “Judge me for how good my good ideas are, not how bad my bad ideas are.” – Matt Damon on brainstorming and collaboration

– I keep coming back to Clay Herbert’s talk: The Best Way To Answer “So What Do You Do?” Share your answer on what you do in a comment below? I’d love to hear it!

– My remarkably talented large format color photographer friend Andrew Moore just launched a Domestika course teaching you how to shoot urban scenes. Super cool!

– I dig this tote.

– I want to hear more powerful men like Scott Galloway talk about kindness. Yes please.

– If you rub garlic on your fingers, you can pick up an egg yolk

– What’s your version of “Canoe to Work?

– Love this house tour, mostly because of the abundance of plants. (Humans who don’t own books or plants are suspicious to me.)

These photos made me gasp.

– Thank you Chris for introducing me to the concept of Documentary Family Photography. Sign me up!

– Has anyone tried the Take Back Bag? Is this the way to go?

The Hero’s Journey according to Joseph Campbell. (I didn’t learn about this concept until I moved to the USA.)

Ram Dass on Relationships

_ I am in love with Nik Ramage sculptural machines. Like this lemon stroker, Brick sculpture or Back and forth.

– Want to walk on clouds? Here you go.

– I want to cover myself in these ladybugs.

– Did you know CreativeMornings offers 20+ free, community-led, heart-forward, virtual experiences every month? We call them FieldTrips. Or you can attend our monthly volunteer-led events in 229 cities.


“It’s embarrassing that after 45 years of research and study, the best advice I can give to people is to be a little kinder to each other.”
Aldous Huxley

James Cook Typewriter Artist

James Cook is a Typewriter Artist. You can buy his pieces here.

32 Sounds

32 Sounds is an immersive feature documentary and sensory film experience by Sam Green that explores the elemental phenomenon of sound and its power to bend time, cross borders, and profoundly shape our perception of the world around us. Featuring original compositions by JD Samson, 32 Sounds is designed to be experienced with personal headphones for a truly unique binaural audio experience.


“You feel differently towards the world when you make things.”
– Milton Glaser

The Era of AI

(Thanks Tim)

Typesetting: Linotype (Part I)

This is beautifully nerdy.

(Thanks Steve!)

The Brooklyn Brownstone Color Project

Ruxandra Duru lovingly gathered 130 color samples of brownstones Brooklyn. What a wonderful side project. (She’s done something similar with Coffee too)

Vintage Gas Pumps

An Italian museum dedicated to gas station paraphernalia. Wow!

Marine Animal Masks

These Animal Masks by Liz Sexton made me smile.

The Tremors That Rise

“The tremors that rise when a new life starts to feel possible against all odds.”

Link Pack

– An incredible resource of old German hi-fi/tv catalogues. Over 1700 of them!

– I would like a pet portrait. Yes please.

– Can you fall in love with blobby-type sculptures? I did.

– Love this minimal gold ring.

40 Things I Wish I’d known at 40

Join the Responsible AI Challenge, by Mozilla Builders. In-person event: May 31, 2023 in San Francisco, CA.

Glow in the dark pavement. Wow.

A photographer who searches for doppelgängers. Love this.

This clever device allows you to squeeze exactly the amount of lemon juice you desire, free of seeds and without risk of splatter, then protects the lemon (or lime) half in the refrigerator for maximum freshness.

The World’s 25 Richest Countries by GDP per Capital

The 100 best things to do in NYC for locals and tourists (via Chris)

The Bantu philosophy of “ubuntu” focuses on the power of community

The Future is Inclusive.

– Looking for a job? Try the CreativeMornings Job Board.

A Song Only You Can Hear

“You don’t love someone for their loss, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”
– Oscar Wilde


A little guide to glimmers.