EverSave… is a free application for the Mac which saves your documents on regular intervals based on your preferences. You can save on all applications or just a select few and most importantly it seems to work with any application!
Buzzup Docs
Buzzup Docs is Digg for Documents.
The Making of an Origami Koi
(sorta via visualattitudes)
Keith Jarrett Solo Concert
Keith Jarrett is performing thursday night at Carnegie Hall. Oh, how I would love to see that… Yay! Fabulous Jennifer is going to watch our offspring, so G and I can go and see the performance. Can this monday get any better?
ScreenToaster: Record what’s happening on your screen
ScreenToaster is a free online screen recorder that doesn’t require any software. (sample above) Upload videos to YouTube or ScreenToaster, download as an .avi file. Download as a .swf coming soon. Excellent!
(via eHub)
Perpetual Desk Calendar
Whenever I see the ThreePotatoFour newsletter in my inbox, I drop *everything* and check out their new stuff. Most of the really cool items in Ella’s room are from their site. Now check out this fantastic vintage Perpetual Desk Calendar! Is that a beauty?
typography v.1.0
I dont’ know what this note says, all I know is that I *love* childrens’ first attempts at writing.
Konigi OmniGraffle Wireframe Icon Set
The Konigi OmniGraffle Wireframe Icon Set is a set of grayscale cursors and icons that come in handy when designing wireframes, aka user interface schematics.
Books need hugs too
Hug by Thomas Keeley.
Is that camera looking at me?
Hawkeye camera by Brooklyn based designer Thomas Keeley. Made me smile. Great find, itsnicethat!
Book Mobile
I agree with Szymon: I love the idea of this BookMobile.
C is for Cow
I fully agree with BBlinks: I am constantly amazed by the cool art to be found on Etsy. Like this WalkingToJericho Cow Print.
Leica Icons
Leica icons for Mac OSX and Windows folders, memory cards and discs. Yes, please.
(thank you holger)
Fifty People / One Question: Brooklyn Version
Fifty People, One Question: Brooklyn from Crush + Lovely on Vimeo.
How funny was that ‘closet answer’? And also watch what people in London answered.
New: TwTip
TwTip is a tool designed to find and show awesome tips that are shared by Twitter fellows.
Lorem Ipsum Generator for Web Designers
Handy options in this dummy text generator are: number of words or characters, specifying pixel width, number of paragraphs (with tags), etc. Fantastic!
(via simplebits)