The Artistifier

The Artsifier Artistifier turns any YouTube movie into a black and white silent movie. Hilarious name, great execution. Yay Internets!

(Thank you Alexandra)


A Google Alert has pointed me to a blog called Playgroundology, and I am fascinated. A blog entirely dedicated to the world of playgrounds? Yes, please! Being a parent of small children I spend an awful lot of time on them and often wonder how they could be improved. Whenever I am traveling to other countries I am amazed at the differences in playground planning and thinking.

The Woodland Discovery Playground looks like quite a magical place.

Swings that create music?

And I couldn’t help but laugh while watching the above clip of a an adventure playground scene in the British documentary Seven Up. I would have thought it’s more of a construction site, compared to sterile-cookie-cutter-über-safe NYC playgrounds.

And then of course, there’s the Playground Papa classic. Made me laugh:

So, if you are like me, interested in all things Playgrounds, make sure to check out Playgroundology.

Christopher Payne

Linen Closets, Traverse City State Hospital, Michigan

Patient Toothbrushes, Hudson River State Hospital, New York

Bathtub, Fairfield State Hospital, Connecticut

Autopsy Theater, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, DC

I just spent way too much time on Christopher Payne’s site, staring at photos of abandoned asylums and hospitals. Fascinating.

(Thank you Sarah)


The EUScreen site is an astounding digital archive aiming to preserve Europe’s television heritage, 1900-present.

(via @dwell)

DIY Horse

Lovely Melissa Easton has an entire post dedicated to creating vintage 3 dimensional shapes out of paper. I found Le Cheval (The Horse) particularly charming, in a very analog way. She found them over at the amazing Agence Eureka.


This Cycle-Skating video, a sport of 1923, made me smile.

(via the kids should see this)

London Cafeterias 50s – 60s

Before chains like Starbucks took over the world of cafes, young Londoners of late 50’s and early 60’s met in places like these.

(via bblinks)

Big Letters

Wood type makes my heart beat faster! Check out these giant letter prints by Christie & Caleb, owners and operators of a small traditional letterpress company, located in the sunny South.

They recently were able to access three sets of rare and huge, antique wood type. These particular sets of type cam from a now defunct old print shop in Arkansas, where they were used to print giant Circus billboards in the 1940’s and 50’s!

The Big Letter Prints are printed on 140# cover, which is sturdy enough to lean on a shelf or mantle, or you can personalize your own words or phrases! Kids room, anyone?

How The Spacesuit Came To Be

A space suit is made out of a flight suit, a Goodrich tire, a bra, a girdle, a raincoat, a tomato worm. An American rocket ship is made out of a nuclear weapon, and a German ballistic missile; a ‘space program’ — a new organization with new goals — is made out of preexisting military, scholarly, and industrial institutions and techniques.
— Monchaux

Fascinating post on Fashioning Apollo: How the Spacesuit Came To Be over on brain pickings.


Discovering made my day.

The Spirit of Journalism circa 1940

Found this Manifesto for the Spirit of Journalism circa 1940 over at Brain Pickings. Made me look!

Peculiar Snapshots

Thanks to my studiomate Raul I discovered this Collection of Peculiar Vintage Snapshots over on Flickr. Made my day!

The Office (1969)

In this compilation of BBC clips from 1969, James Burke experiences the automated office of the future and what it might mean for the evolution of work culture:

“The great thing about machines is that they do what they’re told. They leave you to get on with it. Never late, they’re obedient, they’re never sick, they never disturb you or argue or paint their nails or talk or smile at you or say ‘good morning’ or keep you company. They just leave you alone.”

Found in this fantastic post over on Brain Pickings titled Today Yesterday: 5 Vintage Visions for the Future of Technology.

British General P.O. Phones

I remember when my parents taught me how to call their office number on our rotary phone.


I love the graphics of this vintage game called Misfits. I discovered it in the Flickr stream of Pillipat.

Museum Of Obsolete Objects

German Digital Agency Jung von Matt/Next created the “Museum of Obsolete Objects“. Sadly, as our daily lives become more and more digital some things fall by the way side as they are replaced by newer, «better» devices. Let us not forget those fallen appliances, tools and gadgets and relive those bygone times by taking a visit to The Museum of Obsolete Objects.

I love the idea behind the site but I don’t really understand why they built it as a YouTube Channel. Hmm..

(Thank you Boris)

The Printer’s Terms

The Printer’s Terms contains explanations of virtually all printer’s terms of the pre-digital “lead age of typography” in English, German and French. Designed by legendary Swiss Rudolf Hostettler.

Bosch Fridge Manual 1963

I just stumbled upon an amazing collection of Book and Design related Flickr Sets by German based Design Professor Michael Stoll. This Bosch Fridge Manual Set from 1963 made me chuckle. Or check out this Flight Thru Instruments book from 1945, describing different (military) techniques of flight in a profusely illustrated manner. Or this Corporate Identity Brochure from 1972 about the City of Munich.

Vintage Eberhard Faber Ruby Erasers

A vintage beauty: 1940s Vintage Eberhard Faber Ruby Eraser Box, by Christian Montone.

(via Luc Latulippe)

Behind The Scenes

This selection of Behind-the-scenes shots over on made me look (and chuckle). Those were the days when set designs were huge and handmade, when special effects were mechanic and photographic.

(via LucLaTulippe)

Vintage Radio

I have just fallen in love with this vintage red radio over on Krrb.

(by posting it I feel like I own it a bit. #postingisthenewbuying)

Vintage Derby Roller Skates

These amazing vintage roller derby skates make me feel a tad bit nostalgic.

Treasure Wheels

Treasure Wheels™ is an urban dolly kit that fits in a satchel and is a must-have tool for urban scavengers. Treasure Wheels™ lets you wheel those urban treasures home, by simply attaching the wheels to the artifact of your fancy, and get rolling.

Nothing short of brilliant!

(Thank you Yael)

Neche Collection

Neche Collection visually documents materials collected by Veronica Corzo-Durchardt’s grandfather Neche Eugenio Hadad, a Cuban Exile of Lebanese descent, accountant, collector and sometimes thief.

Veronica acquired many of his belongings and created the Neche Collection to be both an archive and a source of continued inspiration. The project consists of a daily photo post from the collection and each week she creates and print a limited edition screen print inspired by one or more of the objects featured in the collection that week.

The collection has a wide range of objects: printed matter, office supplies, toys, ephemera and photos. Many of the objects in the collection were sent through the mail from Cuba by her grandfather a year before they left the country.